Saturday, May 5, 2012


Welcome to the Age TF Captions blog!

There are lots of similar blogs to this one, but very few dedicate their captions to this particular type of TF. I know the public is limited, and not as big as the TG or Animal TF, for instance. But I believe there can be a place for this to fit, and with a little luck, the blog following can grow.

First of all, I think I should warn you that this will mainly feature AP, simply because that's my preference (and I know very few people are into that), but it will occasionally have some AR, specially in Age Swaps, and also other kinds of F2F.

Feel free to comment your ideas for future captions, because I expect to update this as often as possible, so that we can have a very big image database soon enough.



  1. I love the site! Are you accepting submissions?

    1. That's a very good question, and I've never thought about it before.

      What kind of stories would you be interested in submit?

  2. yh submissions would be good, saw this pic thought maybe could do one in a girls school where the teachers shrinks in a lesson and all the girls grow up...the picture could be from the teen stage. and they all grow to middle age and the teachers goes to a school girls age.

    1. sorry heres URL

    2. Thanks, though I think that kind of images are a little hardcore for this blog's direction.

      But thanks for all the suggestion. I think you may be seeing something along those lines soon.

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