Thursday, November 7, 2013

Using the Medallion (Part 30)

Part 30 is a good place to end this, so here's the finale.

Previous story: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11, Part 12Part 13Part 14Part 15Part 16Part 17Part 18Part 19Part 20Part 21Part 22Part 23Part 24Part 25Part 26Part 27Part 28


  1. Was that final line Cole's thoughts or simply a statement of the fact that he should have given Maggie some love? If it's option A, it implies the beginning of redemption, so I think it's important to clarify this.

    1. Yes, they regret what they did to her, but there-s no redemption there, because they only do it for egoistical reasons.

      They regret it because they had to pay for it, not because they sincerely feel they should have loved her.

  2. really nice story,even if i prefer ap/ar based ones ;)

    1. Well, I think this story revolved around those a lot. There was just a tiny use of TG at the end as a punishment for the antagonist characters, but the main one had two different kinds of AP.
