Wednesday, July 22, 2015

READER'S ENTRY: The Accident (Theory 2)

Ageiss second theory.

The Accident (Theory 2)
by Ageiss

The Accident

Other theories: 1, 3, 4, 5,


  1. I've enjoyed these little captions Ageiss. Great work!


    1. Thank you! Likewise, I've been enjoying your work!


  2. The Role Exchanger would be as good an explanation as any for what's causing the swapping. The only little problem is that the Role Exchanger doesn't adjust reality to match its changes, but that does matter much. There are plenty of other explanations.

    1. Well, I've always had the impression the Role Exchanger is as powerful as it wants to be for each of its experiments. In the first story, it varies the degree in which it affects each victims. Sometimes the clothes change, sometimes they don't, sometimes the personality does, but sometimes it's just a physical change, etc...

      But it's true I don't remember a complete reality swap. In any case, I decided to use it (and I will again soon) with freedom

