Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Farewell, Wonderland (AKA The Blog's Last Story)

Yes, this is the final story I’ll post on this blog.

I’ve been trying to leave for ages now. I was supposed to do it in January, and I didn’t. I’ve waited too long, because deep down I’m not ready to give it up. I like writing. But I can’t keep doing it.

The main reasons are simple and well-known to those who’ve been following the blog for a while. I don't have much time to write. But besides that, I feel a bit neglected in comparison to other authors. This blog is barely alive. I feel a bit like the awkward underdog of this community. I even notice it sometimes when I talk with a few fellow authors, as if I were only a bothersome wannabe. And maybe they’re right.

I know my writing skills aren’t the best, I really do. I keep acknowledging it over and over again. But despite that, there’s something I’ve recently realized: I’m probably the one who has produced the most AP content in the entire internet, and if not, I’m pretty close. Yet I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished anything by it. This blog is over five years old, but still irrelevant. I’ve tried everything to make readers more invested, but everything has failed, and each try leaves me more disenchanted than the last.

On the other hand, I want to thank all the faithful readers who kept making the experience gratifying. Just to alphabetically name a few (Agestories, andrea casanova, Andrew L, Angelo, Apfun, bela04, Beta A, Blake2903, BLZBub, cal narri, chillitan, Daskomet, eggplant, Growthformulamaster, Jacob, jojo93able, Joshua Fagan, Jshetz, Karo L, LM117, m.s, Merlin, Munza Zerserraf, Nick, P. Bearn, ryan penny, Serillion, The AP Master, The Mathemagician, Wakkawakka, Wiz and many others I've probably forgotten). Thank you all, particularly those who commented (even if they were Anonymus) and the ones who contributed to the blog in one way or another.

Seriously, guys, you were the best, and I wish I could stay here for your sake. Thanks.

I should be clear about something, though. Since I still enjoy writing, I could draft a story from time to time. But I can’t maintain this blog on a regular basis, so I will post it elsewhere. At the moment, Bela04’s AgeArts looks like the best place. Unlike this blog, it has a strong readership, so I think that’s where I’ll publish my material from now on. At the moment, though, I’ll keep answering the comments you leave me here.

If you're not familiar with AgeArts, I'll leave you with a link. You'll find my material there from time to time: http://www.agearts.com/

So, here’s my final caption. Since the very first one was about Little Red Riding Hood, I figured the last one ought to be about another fairytale (even if this one is technically a novel). I’ve wanted to do an Alice in Wonderland caption for ages, so this is a great time.

Farewell, friends. I’ll miss this.


  1. Thanks for all your contributions, you will be missed.

  2. I'm really, really going to miss this blog. I wish I could have done more, particularly finish the Class Project story. I'm really sorry about that. I hope I might be able to work with you again someday.

    1. I'm much more sorry that I couldn't help you finish it. Your contribution here was far larger than I ever hoped. I just wish others had joined in your steps. You were an amazing brother for this blog, and I hope to keep seeing your content elsewhere.

  3. It's been a great ride. If I'm not mistaken this blog had its origins on Yahoo? It always gets me how time just goes by. Anyway I'd like to thank you for your amazing work and for the effort you've put into it. I think I can say for sure that it had a big impact not only on your followers but on the AR/AP community as well. Your writing will be missed but it's absolutely fair for you to move on with your life as well as the rest of us. Again, thank you and good luck!

    1. Thank you so much.

      It didn't exactly origin on Yahoo. It just was the first place where I promoted it.

  4. It will be sad to see you go but I am happy to hear that you will still keep writing. Never give that up, write as much as you can even if you think some of it is not that good the act of writing will make you a better writer. Your stories and ideas are the best AP content out there and I think they are even better than some of the published content in novel and short stories.

    I will miss checking in to see new content (I still would almost check in daily even though I knew you didn't generate content that fast). If you ever need anything or want to work on a project together drop me a line.

    1. I know you were very faithful to the blog, and I'm very thankful for that. I'd look forward to a project together sometime.

      Thank you for your kind words about my content.

  5. that sucks. i hope the best for you.

  6. it sucks youre leaving this blog. it has the best stories I have ever read. If you could, could you give me any links to other stories or anything like that? I havent searched at all because I only came here for this content. Going to miss you alot

    1. I'd recommend you to check AgeArts. That'swhere I'll publish future stories. Also, check out Deviantart for authors like Tservo96 and Alessi.

      And thanks for your appreciation of my stories!

  7. In the wise words of solo wing pixie, "Thanks friend.. See you again."

  8. Try talking to bela04 at agearts.com

    Maybe she can add you as a content creator?

    1. I don't know if I could be a content creator, since I don't post often enough for that. But yes, I'll try to upload my stories there from time to time. Check it out.


  9. I think that if you're in this line of work, you have to really enjoy what you are doing, because the amount of effort you put into creating something will never be equaled by those that consume it. Even for stuff that is mainstream, like on Literotica, an author might only get a response from one out of every ten-thousand people.

    That's why so many have turned to Amazon to sell their work. Sure, their stories will be read by far fewer people, but money is a form of feedback and it is worth more than any comment. (Not that they were getting many to begin with). Patreon is also an option. It also gives you a reason to keep going.

    In conclusion, I think that if you're unhappy now, moving over to AgeArts isn't going to change much as what you hope to find doesn't exist. Hell, even romance authors cheat when it comes to feedback. I'm looking at the person whose authors rank is #22 across all of Amazon. They have a book with 100 reviews. What to guess how many of those are from actual customers? 7. The rest are bought and paid for.

    Anyway, best of luck to you in the future.

    1. I'm not moving to AgeArts to get feedback. I know I won't. I'm moving because there I can only upload some content every once in a while, but having a blog means I need to update it frequently, and I'm simply not up for it any more.

  10. It's a shame since there are a few stories here that were left unfinished it seems.

    I'm thinking the class project series. :(

    1. That series might a revival, if the proposal I'm currently discussing goes through.

    2. Let's cross our fingers we could indeed have more projects and finish other ones.

  11. Many of your works are the best AP on the internet. I'm a lurker so I don't say much. I'm sorry if that lead you to feel underappreciated.

    You have to feel appreciated to yourself, though. If you don't, then at least taking a break seems like the right thing to do. If its not yielding the returns you feel you deserve, then you definitely deserve a break.

    Thanks for all your hard work. Glad agearts appreciates you enough to take you in.

    1. Thank you so much for that final feedback. As for AgeArts, I believe any registered member can upload their stories. I did it once.

    2. you inspired me

  12. Thanks for all the work you have done, good luck with your future.

  13. Thank you for posting these captions. You were one of the people who inspired me to do my own.

    I am planning on also quitting. (I post on deviantart, don't use blogger anymore. I don't plan on ever deleting my account however.

    1. LMAO this aged well
      who knows who you were

  14. You're the one blog I always come back to

  15. Its really been 3 Years.Who knows if Planet of the AP is still arround.
    You never realise the greats until they are gone
